Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Honors 8th grade Science

Week of 8/24-8/28

1st week of 1st six weeks

Welcome Back students!
This week we get to know each other and how our science class will function.  Together we will make this your best school year yet.    

See you in class.

8th Grade Honors Science Syllabus


Instructor’s Name:    Roberto A. CantĂș

Phone #:                    956-352-6324

Email:                          racantu_8@yahoo.com 

Conference:               1:55 pm - 3:35 pm

Website:                     www.ac2emsrcantu.blogspot.com

Course Description:

Welcome to Eighth Grade Honors Science class!  I am looking forward to an exciting and productive year with you.  Eighth Grade Honors Science will offer you the opportunity to explore some interesting topics in science.  This year we will be drawing from a number of printed and electronic resources that have been hand-picked to guide our instruction and supplement our classroom discussions and activities. These resources, which will be provided to the students throughout the year, incorporate topics from all of the science content areas: physical science, life science, and earth science. 

This course includes a lot of hands-on lab activities.  Your success in this class will rely on your participation during these activities.  Your participation and cooperation are vital to making this class a positive experience for everyone.  If you come to class excited and ready to learn each day, I promise that you will have a good time and succeed.

All students will participate in the annual Ac2E Middle School Science Fair.

This syllabus will help you become familiar with classroom rules, expectations, assignments, and grading policy.

Classroom Rules:

  • Come to class on time
  • Come to class prepared
  • Follow teacher directions
  • Raise your hand, no shouting out
  • Be respectful
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated
 Student Management Policy:

   Everything we do in life has consequences.  Consequences are the things that happen when you choose not to follow the rules. 
  1. Verbal warning/reassignment of seat
  2. Student and teacher conference
  3. Parent contact: phone call home
  4. Parent and teacher conference/with student
  5. Referral
    During special circumstances first 4 steps can be bypassed.
Classroom Expectations:

  • You should come to class each day with your science binder/folder (with paper inside), your composition book, a sharpened pencil/working pen, and a positive attitude.
  • When you walk into class, place your belongings under your assigned desk.  Then sit at your assigned desk only with your pen /pencil and your composition book.
  • Maintain a neat and organized binder.  This is the key to your success.
  • Be respectful to your classmates and your teachers.
  • You must practice safe and appropriate behavior at all times.
  • Take an active role in class.  Ask questions, be interesting, interact with your peers, and get excited!   

You are expected to be in your seat when the tardy bell rings.  If you are tardy you will sign the tardy sheet by the door. 

Tardy # 1-4 ---- sign tardy sheet

Tardy # 5 ------- referral to administrator; parent contact

Tardy # 6 ------- referral to administrator; parent, teacher, administrator meeting

Tardy #7 -------- referral to administrator; ISS at home campus assigned

Tardy #8 -------- referral to administrator; student will be transferred to home campus

  • A one-time $5 lab fee  
  • You will need a 1” binder or a folder with pockets
  • 1 – composition notebook
  • Loose leaf paper
  • Pencils or pens

Your work is worth 100% only on the day that it is due.  Be sure to hand in all work on the due date, otherwise you will have points deducted (5 points per day/up to three days).  A grade of zero will be recorded after three days. 

If you miss a class, YOU are responsible for the work that you missed.   When you return to school, check the designated area of the classroom for the work that you missed.  If you must miss class for an illness or emergency, please see me so that we can work out a plan of action for you to make up the missed work.   

Grading Policy: 

Your class grade will be based on your performance on the following components:

  • Tests and Quizzes – 25%
  • Labs
  • Projects
  • Classwork                  75%
  • Homework
  • Participation
Extra Credit: 

Extra Credit may be offered throughout the school year and everyone is eligible. 

Extra Help: 

If you need extra help, just ask me.  I am providing my email, so if you want to talk about homework, have a question about a test, want to make up work, I am only a few clicks away.  My door is always open to you! 

Contact Information: 

Parents, feel free to contact me.  I am available by phone or by email.  My contact information is at the top of this syllabus form.  I will check my voicemail and email at the end of each school day.  If I do not get back to you on the day you contact me, I will get back to you the next day.  If you would like to meet with me in person, call me or email me and we can schedule an appointment.


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