Sunday, January 31, 2016

5th week of 4th six weeks

   I would like to thank all of the students who put together a science fair project this year.  I am especially proud of my eighth grade students who with minimal guidance from me produced some of the best science fair projects in Ac2E history.  Even though all of you were not able to participate in the district Science Fair, your work made it possible that eighth grade sent only great projects to compete.  
   I would also like to congratulate all of the students who placed at the District Science Fair.

Here are the Science Fair Results. 

1st and 2nd place from each category 

Animal Science
Idani Cantu - Are Dogs Colorblind
Dante De la Rosa - Cinnamon oil as ant repellent

Behavioral & Social Sciences
Victoria Gonzales -Music, Medicine for Memory
Richalle Garza - Ready Set Go

Biomedical & Health Science
Anayeli Pena & Juliana Garza - Are You really Protected
Derick Rodriguez - Is the Water You Drink Safe

Adrianna Cantu & Sherlyn Garza - Popping Popcorn
Ernesto Gonzalez & Jose Escobedo - Is it Pure?

Earth & Environmental Science 
Ryan Lopez - U.A.R.
Brianda Garza - The Rate of Decomposition

Luis A. Lopez - How Can Wind Energy be Transformed into Electricity
Emily Pena & Krystal Gutierrez - Fruit Power

Leonel Saenz - Building a Homemade Moped
Eric Razo - Wind Turbulence

Material Science
Adrian Garcia - Fly Out
Jered Gonzales, Carlos Barrera, Zac Compean - CD Hovercraft

Ayleen Ortiz - Water Purification
Annikah Pena - Is the 5 Second rule True?

Physics and Astronomy
Miguel Compean & Daniel - The Perfect Shot
Alejandro Garcia - Ultraviolet Rays

Plant Science
Rebecca Ramirez - Seed Germination
Debani Alaffa & Angela Zavala - Bean Stalks

This week in 8th Grade Honors Science...

8.11C - explore how short and long term environmental changes affect organisms and traits in subsequent populations; and

8.11 D - recognize human dependence on ocean systems and explain how human activities such as runoff, artificial reefs, or use of resources have modified these systems




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