Monday, April 28, 2014

Week of 4/28-5/2

2nd week of 6th six weeks

This week students will participate in ACeIT seminars for the second time this year.  Students will sign up for two seminars which they will attend throughout the week. 

Honors Science

Inner and Outer Space: Zooming Into the World We do not See

In this seminar students will gain knowledge of the infinitely small through the use of microscopes.  Students will learn about the parts of the microscope through manipulation of these tools of science.  Students will also create their own slides to view through the objective lenses of their microscopes.  Students will mound insects and their own hair onto glass slides for study.  Students will also prepare a slide of their own cheek cells and a wet mount of pond water. 

 This seminar will also take students through a journey of outer space and the infinitely large objects that are found beyond our planet.  Using computers we will learn about the history of the telescope and about what new understanding astronomy has brought us. 

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